Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As it's nearing lunch time, Delicious is an appropriate topic! I used delicious at my previous library as a way to collaborate with co-workers on projects that involved locating websites. It worked well for that and is a wonderful way to:
1) keep favorite websites in one place available from any computer
2) share favorite websites
3) grow your list of websites by seeing what sites others have tagged with the same or similar words/phrases.

I clicked on Everyone's Bookmarks for Flickr because there were a lot. Few labeled or made notes on the sites. Tags were similar, but it is interesting to notice how people think. Do they tag with "photo" or "photography"? In delicious, both work. I enjoyed seeing the non-English entries, too.

I also like how one tag leads to another, but as with many social networking tools, I could get lost in here, and delicious would be one more time-taker.

I created an account and found a web site to save. It's easy, even without the buttons. I like that they suggest tags.I like that I can share or not, though sharing is the point, isn't it? For the good of the whole, entering a description in the notes field is a nice thing to do.

In the sdlibrary account, I looked at Google Chrome, which I've been hearing about. Sounds great, although a lot of the tech talk is over my head.

Delicious will be a great resource for doing preliminary web searches for projects, as others have already done some of the work for us.

Delicious could be especially helpful for those of us who do site visits and trainings. If we want to show a certain website, it's easy to pull up from delicious.

I'd like to find time to move the sites I have bookmarked in my browser on my PC to delcious. It would save a lot of time later for finding the right site from any computer.

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