Thursday, August 7, 2008

Flickr 4b

Tree hug
Originally uploaded by jheitman22
Wow! Flickr is a great place to download your own photos and upload others. The list of 50 ways to use Flickr in the library from was inspiring! Every library should be using Flickr (or something like it) to make their libraries easier to use (virtual tours), easier to recognize (building photos, map mashups), and easier to experience (PR and events photos).

I found the trading card easy to create. I could spend days there fiddling around with all the choices! To put the card on my blog directly from bighugelabs would have been easier than sending it to Flickr first, but in the spirit of the assignment, I did send it to Flickr, so it is now part of my photostream (who ever thought we'd be using words like that?).

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